Mathletics Black Heavy Tee
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Mathletics SS25
'Not good at stuff,
but made it work.'
This design contains brilliant prediction scheme presented by hungarian-american physicist Arpad Elo, named the Elo Rating.
This prediction scheme was developed for zero sum games* such as chess, but now is widely used in professional football or esports.
*Zero-sum game is a mathematical representation in game theory and economic theory of a situation which involves two sides, where the result is an advantage for one side and an equivalent loss for the other.
Wzmacniany sitodruk.
Nowa grubsza koszulka - 230g
z poprawionym kołnierzykiem i dłuższym rękawem
Materiał:100% bawełna czesana
Model (74kg/183cm) ma na sobie rozmiar M
Szerokość / Długość
M - 54/72
L - 58/74
XL - 61/77
XXL - 63/80